Bandit Creek, #7
by Lawna Mackie
Narrator: Carolyn Jania
Length: 3 hour 30 minutes
Released: January 2021
Publisher: Lawna Mackie
Genre: Paranormal Christmas Romance

As far as twelve-year old Quinn is concerned Christmas has lost its magic. Since his father’s death life has lost its sparkle. His mom is now a widow struggling to put food on the table. Quinn is no help, and the mysterious illness afflicting him only makes things worse. Even Christmas, complete with decorated trees, ribbons and bows have no meaning…then along comes Jazira.
Jazira doesn’t know what happened to her former self, the eleven-year old little girl. She drowned, didn’t she, along with half the other folk of Cold Creek in 1911? Somehow, she’s grown four furry legs complimented with a large wolf head and body. Scared and alone, she reaches out to Quinn and a strong bond is formed. Jazira learns Quinn, and his mother, are threatened by a wealthy powerful citizen of Cold Creek. She is determined to protect her new family, no matter what. Christmas Eve finds Quinn staring up at the adorned tree and muttering a quiet prayer. Will the Spirits of Christmas grant his wish, or will the evil surrounding Cold Creek prevail once again?
I’m a small town girl with big world dreams. I was born in Jasper, Alberta, and my parents were outdoor enthusiasts. My dad was an avid fisherman and I’m certain my mother was Mother Nature.
The love of my life is my husband. He, along with my animals are my inspiration for everything I write.
I live for romance, and truly believe true love conquers all. From an early age you could always find me with my nose buried in a romance novel—that hasn’t changed. I write various forms of romance from contemporary, paranormal and fantasy to erotica.
Presented by
Carolyn Eve is an LA-based actor/ singer/ writer/ improviser. She is an alum of The Groundlings Sunday Company where she has done extensive comedy character work. Paired with her classical theatre training (BA in Theatre from Butler University), she loves variety in her narration projects. Her passion is her comedy pop band, Schmab where she writes and performs original comedy songs. She records and edits from her home studio.
Looking Forward
An interview with Jazira from Lawna Mackie’s Quinn’s Christmas Wish.
- Reporter: Jazira, thank you for being our guest today. Not very many agree to speak about the mysterious lake and the flood of Bandit Creek. We hope you’ll answer some of our questions.
- Jazira: Perhaps. She nodded her head.
- Reporter: So, tell us Jazira, how old are you?
- Jazira: I am twenty-four years old.
- Reporter: And it says here that you haven’t been back to Bandit Creek in six years. Would that be correct?
- Jazira: Yes, I left Bandit Creek when I was eighteen years old.
- Reporter: What was Bandit Creek like as a child?
- Jazira: Bandit Creek has its moments. It’s a beautiful place, but certainly not ordinary. Things changed when the flood hit.
- Reporter: Yes, I can imagine the whole town changed because it was gone. The flood took care of that. Now, you say you were in the flood is that correct?
- Jazira: Closes her eyes and nods her head slowly. My mother, father and myself were in a wagon when the water hit us. I remember hearing the screams. The water was so cold. My parents drowned.
- Reporter: I’m very sorry dear. I’m told that you are from another country. You’re very beautiful. How old were you and can you tell us how you managed to survive?
- Jazira: I was eleven years old and was pulled from Lost Lake by Samuel Campton. He was a nice fellow and like a parent to me. He married Amanda Drake and the two of them raised Quinn and myself.
- Reporter: Oh yes. Quinn Drake. I remember reading about him also. He had a rare illness and it was said people feared the devil had possessed him. To this day we have no record of his whereabouts, or if he’s alive.
- Jazira: Smiles sadly. He’s alive, though I haven’t seen him in many years. We were best friends, but we had a falling out and I haven’t seen him for a long time.
- Reporter: A falling out? Sounds sad. And you say he’s still alive. He must be invisible because nobody seems to be able to locate him. Back then folks said the two of you were destined to marry.
- Jazira: We were young, but like so many others it didn’t work out. I did something he couldn’t forgive me for. But I’ll leave it at that.
- Reporter: Okay. Well let’s move on. Tell us a bit more about Bandit Creek.
- Jazira: Back when I was in school, people weren’t always nice. To this day the town is full of bizarre happenings, superstition and death. But some folks such as that nasty George Ellis didn’t deserve to live.
- Reporter: Bandit Creek has had its share of villains. How about we talk about something happy. Christmas is almost upon us, do you have plans Jazira?
- Jazira: She reaches up to her neck fiddling with an odd necklace of sorts. Christmas is my favorite time of year, or it used to be. I will always remember my Christmases with Samuel, Amanda and…Quinn. Our last Christmas together was seven years ago. I may go back for Christmas this year.
- Reporter: Is it true your wedding day was to be on a Christmas day? What happened?
- Jazira: Yes, that is true, but I’m sorry I can’t speak about it. She wipes a tear from her eye.
- Reporter: Okay, I’m sorry to upset you. The necklace you’re wearing looks very old, it could almost resemble a collar.
- Jazira: It was a gift I received for Christmas many years ago. I never part with it.
- Reporter: It must have come from somebody very special. Care to share who gave it to you?
- Jazira: I think that’s another secret for me to keep.
- Reporter: It’s been a pleasure Jazira. I do hope you’ll stop back again to let us know how your visit goes should you decide to visit Bandit Creek this Christmas. And if you happen to see Quinn Drake, I’d love to interview him as well.
- Jazira: Thank you, it’s sure to be an interesting Christmas.
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