Monday, July 22, 2024

SPOTLIGHT w/EXCERPT - PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER - BAD BUGS (Inside the Mind of a Serial Killer, #1) by Timothy Freriks

 This is a psychological thriller.

And a love story.

And it might be disturbing.

Bad Bugs

Inside the Mind of a Serial Killer, #1

by Timothy Freriks

Genre: Psychological Thriller

This book is told through the twisted but rational mind of Michael Stammons, a serial killer. Stammons tells the story in a somewhat off-handed style, which might be creepy to some. But it is his story, justifications for his actions. He wants you to believe.

This is a psychological thriller.

And a love story.

And it might be disturbing.

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So, to set the record straight, I decided to write this book. Sorry for the errors. It’s an old typewriter.

Anyway, like I said, you could call me insane, but as you’ll see, I don’t think that was an accurate representation. When you take a reasonable action, that’s an act of sanity. Right? It’s all about justification. And everything I did was sane, justified… holy, even. 


Until that last one.

Until I changed.

Until I met a ‘need to’ that might have turned into a ‘want to’.

There’s a difference between ‘need to’ (or ‘have to’) and a ‘want to’. That’s where the line had always been drawn for me. 

Maybe it was a straight fine line, but that’s the line I crossed. I’m afraid, in retrospect, that I had mistaken a ‘need to’ for a ‘want to’. 


The tall but stooped man pulled his coat tighter around him as he walked down the dead black sidewalk. The thin New York overcoat was no match for the darkest hours of a sharp, cold Utah morning.

His nerves wouldn’t let him sleep. Paul had never met the man, but he knew him well. From what he had uncovered from research, Michael Stammons had two minds: one, a complex, twisty but linear mind, capable of cold and highly calculated acts of murder, but the other—at least in Michael’s opinion—was straight and clear, woven with the threads of justification.

He turned and headed back toward the Salt Lake City Hilton, through the islands of light from street lights that looked like amber stepping stones on the concrete. It indeed was a path, each a chapter of a story he would have to write. Chapter One would begin in the morning.

Part of Newsome’s anxiety was pure curiosity; how could a monster like Michael exist? But there were two more profound questions:

Was he the right person?

Would he do it?

Mr. Freriks is a multiple award-winning novelist now living in Nashville after 40 years in Tampa, Florida. An architect, a life-long entrepreneur, businessman, inventor, open-water sailor, pilot, and writer, he has authored twenty novels, mostly conspiracy and crime thrillers. However, some of his award-winning books are in the genres of historical fiction, science fiction, dystopian, and... well, hard to describe.

He is also the author of The Strong Startup, a clear and functional road map to starting a business from just an idea. It is a guide for early-stage entrepreneurs to make sure they have a salable product before they build a business.

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