Wednesday, October 14, 2020


Soul Seeker
by Kaylin McFarren
Date of Publication:  October 27th 2020
Publisher: Creative Edge Publishing
Cover Artist: Amanda Yoshida
Genre: Supernatural Thriller
ISBN: 9798665284903
Number of pages:308


The battle between good and evil resides with...

While awaiting his execution for murdering his son, Benjamin Poe confesses to his lawyer the true story behind his crime, a harrowing tale of a manipulating, soul-collecting demon named Crighton.

Following Poe's death, Crighton continues his malevolent duties, until he's kidnapped by members of The Sovereign Sector. This group of scientists, notorious for experimenting on supernatural creatures, forces Crighton into a soulmate relationship with the very angel he was sent to capture for Lucifer.

However, with secrets revealed and loyalties shifting, Crighton soon becomes the target of Lucifer's revenge, and his journey to redemption and freedom–or eternal enslavement–begins. 


Book Trailer 1: 

Book Trailer 2:



"Are you aware of our situation?"

"Of course, I'm aware," Poe snapped. "The date is approaching fast and we're running out of options."

Beaudoin sighed. "It would seem so. But I haven't given up hope just yet. We can still try for an insanity plea, although I know how you feel about that." He paused a moment to study Poe's tired eyes. "I've seen it work even this late in sentencing. If there's one chance to keep you alive, Ben, then we need to–"

"Counselor, it's over. You and I both know that. I'm done fighting. If I plead insanity, they'll send me away to the State hospital...and I don't want to spend what time I have left in that place. But I don't want to go home either. There's nothing left for me there." He leaned forward, resting his elbow the counter. "I know I'm not crazy, and I understand the seriousness of it. But I swear to you it was never my intention to kill him." He paused. "Not Gabriel. Not my son."

"Can I be frank with you, Ben?"

He nodded.

"Any ordinary case would have resolved itself by now, but as you're very well aware, this is far from ordinary. Your son's blood was found on your clothes. The same caliber revolver found in your possession matched his wounds, and you never denied firing it. Yet you continue to claim your innocence. Which begs the question..." Beaudoin paused briefly, choosing his words carefully. "If you didn't kill your son, as you'd like me to believe, then who did?"

Poe tipped his head to the side. "I never claimed he was killed by someone else, Mr. Beaudoin. If you read the transcripts, my story has never changed. Not one iota." The crease between Poe's eyebrows deepened. "I was the one who pulled the trigger. I was the one who fired all six shots. My son Gabriel died by my hand, but like I said, it was never my intention to kill him. The six rounds I fired were meant for someone else."

Beaudoin slapped his hand on the counter. "Right! That's what you said before. Someone else was there. But who, Mr. Poe?" He paused, exasperated. "And why? Because you refuse to admit your guilt. You refuse to take responsibility for your actions. Yet here I am...trying my best to keep you alive."

Poe sighed. "I've accepted my fate, Mr. Beaudoin. I don't expect any favors, but after everything you've done for me, you deserve to hear it all. The whole truth. I've never shared this with anyone because no one would ever believe me. But there's no point now in keeping it a secret any longer. I just want to leave this world knowing I held nothing back."

Beaudoin shook his head. "And you wait until now to share this?"

"I know, but I swear the story I'm about to tell you is the God's honest truth."

Beaudoin could see his own reflection in the Plexiglas barrier and it looked as shocked as he felt. He shrugged and said, "Very well then, you've got my full attention, Mr. Poe."

"You'll think I'm crazy. That much is certain. You might even demand that I plead insanity after you hear my explanation. But all I ask from you is to hear me out. Nothing more. Then you decide if the devil was there...or if he's sitting in this room right now."

Beaudoin eyed Poe, trying to decide if this bit of storytelling was worth his time. He tugged on his shirt sleeve and glanced down at his watch. It was 10:58AM and he had more than forty minutes to spare before his next meeting. So what did he have to lose, aside from his patience? Blowing out an exaggerated breath, he answered, "Okay, I'm listening."

Poe shifted on his seat and appeared to be collecting his thoughts. Or maybe he was formulating his story. Then he began.:

"It happened two weeks before Christmas. The fire at College Inn. Do you remember that?"

Beaudoin nodded and waited for him to continue.

"It was the night that everything was destroyed, including my life. You see, Mr. Beaudoin, up until then, I was a good Christian man, a loving father. I made an honest living. I provided a comfortable life for my family. I did everything by the book...everything that was expected of me." Poe rubbed his eyes and before he pulled his hands away, he continued, "I didn't know until that night that the world is full of monsters. Monsters with dark souls and claws, waiting for the chance to tear you apart."

Author Info

Kaylin McFarren has received more than 50 national literary awards, in addition to a prestigious Golden Heart Award nomination for FLAHERTY'S CROSSING - a book she and her oldest daughter, New York Times/USA Today best-selling author Kristina McMorris, co-wrote in 2008. Prior to embarking on her writing journey and developing the popular THREADS psychological thriller series, she poured her passion for creativity into her work as the director of a fine art gallery in the Pearl District in Portland, Oregon; she also served as a governor–appointed member of the Oregon Arts Commission.

When she's not traveling or spoiling her two pups and three grandsons, she enjoys giving back to her community through participation and support of various charitable, medical and educational organizations in the Pacific Northwest. Her latest time-travel adventure, HIGH FLYING, asks challenging questions that will linger long after the final twists are revealed. Recently jumping to the supernatural thriller genre, Kaylin's clever SOUL SEEKER series leads readers into the pit of Hell, through the mechanisms of secret societies, and across the earth's crust, ever raising the stakes for her leading duo—a wicked demon and a saintly angel with secret earth-shattering agendas. With each story she writes, this author delivers unexpected twists and turns and keeps her readers on the edge of their seats, leaving them guessing and thoroughly entertained.

The Book Junkie Reads . . . Interview with Kaylin McFarren . . .

How would you describe your style of writing to someone that has never read your work?

I describe myself as a panster, which means writing by the seat of my pants. I don’t plot my stories like other authors -- at least not with sticky notes on foam-core boards. The system that seems to work best for me involves Pinterest and visualizing my characters first. Once I determine what they look like and their characteristics, I develop my story around them. And I often let them direct, especially the ending.

Do you feel that writing is an ingrained process or just something that flows naturally for you?

Naturally, I guess. I literally dream up my stories. This is why I keep a pad of paper next to my bed. And when I feel like I’ve written myself into a corner, a relaxing shower always seems to help with getting my ideas flowing again. 

Do you take your character prep to heart? Do you nurture the growth of each character all the way through to the page? Do you people watch to help with development? Or do you build upon your character during story creation?

I take my characters very seriously, from the way they look and act to the way they respond to others. I know every aspect about them -- their birthdays, their flaws, their histories. They all need to grow, emotionally or physically, and become more than they are, even though they don’t always realize it. If I hear a clever phrase on the street, I try to remember it. If I experience an odd or unexpected interaction between strangers, I want to imagine what transpired between them as it might come in handy in a storyline. 

Do you have a character that you have been working on that you can't wait to put to paper?

I have a character I introduced in SOUL SEEKER that I’m excited to grow in my next story. She seems like a generous, kind creature, willing to give the shirt off her back, but limitless power turns her into the worst kind of villain.

Can you share your next creative project(s)? If yes, can you give a few details?

ANNIHILATION is the next book in my SOUL SEEKER series. Let’s just say angels against demons in a battle for human souls.

Where would you spend one full year, if you could go ANYWHERE, money is not a concern? What would you do with this time?

I would rent a house in Barcelona and write for days on end. The food there is amazing, as well as the scenery and residents living there. Plus the wine! Sooo good and incredibly affordable too. Although money is not a concern, right?? I guess I would just live well, read lots, and enjoy everything life has to offer.

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