Tuesday, August 25, 2020

SPOTLIGHT w/INTERVIEW - POETRY - Swan Songs of Cygnus: The Weight of Black Holes by Vincent Hollow

Swan Songs of Cygnus
The Weight of Black Holes
by Vincent Hollow
Date of Publication: January 8th 2020
Publisher: Writers Republic
Cover Artist: Tom Nicosia

Genre: Poetry
ISBN: 9781646201167
ISBN: 9781646202294
Number of pages: 154
Word Count:  8275 words

Tagline: "How far would you go?"

Side A: horizon

Mourning the death of his love. A bereaved astronaut signs up for a deep – space mission to reunite with her ghost.

Even if it means becoming a ghost himself. Traveling at the speed of light. The astronaut jettisons through the solar system. Pausing only to gaze at its celestial splendor.

Cast under the grandeur of the planetarium. Seeing her apparition in every sphere…

Amazon    BN    Writers Republic

Author Info
VINCENT HOLLOW is an astro-poet and interstellar storyteller living aboard the space vessel, Aquarius. Shooting from the star system to star system. Vincent spends his time gazing out into the universal abyss and the depths of himself where he hopes to find his place in the cosmos through the words he weaves in the fabric of spacetime.

The Book Junkie Reads . . . Interview with Vincent Hollow . . .

How would you describe your style of writing to someone that has never read your work? - I'd say there are Poe aspects of my work, dealing with gothic themes and the macabre, with interwoven themes of music and song, and my personal struggles of mental illness. What are some of your writing/publishing goals for this year? - I would like to have Side B of The Weight of Black Holes released in the fall and to have part three completed around that time as well. Do you feel that writing is an ingrained process or just something that flows naturally for you? - It's hard to say. Writing is only something I started doing regularly a few years ago, which may have had to do with not having anything worth writing about until then, but when I get in a good rhythm, I'm usually pretty surprised what I come up with. Do you have a character that you have been working on for a long time that still isn't quite ready, but fills you with excitement to work on the story? - Even though she's dead from the beginning, the Astronaut's love, Lucy, is a character I'm trying to build a little bit as the story progresses. If you could spend one-week with 5 fictional character, who would they be? - Without question, it would be the circle of friends from The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Charlie, Sam, Patrick, Mary Elizabeth, and Bob. By far, my favorite characters from any book I've read. Where would you spend one full year, if you could go anywhere? What would you do with this time? - I would love to be aboard the International Space Station and hang out with the crew and work on new projects and possibly help with any experiments the astronauts may be working on, although I can't imagine how much I could help considering the level of expertise needed, but it would be nice experience. Can you share you next creative project(s)? If yes, can you give a few details? - Currently, I am working on completing the Swan Songs of Cygnus trilogy, as well as the possibility of a prequel, and a few collections dealing with my mental health issues

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