Dating Rules
Serendipity Series, #2
by Keeley Holmes
Date of Publication: May 29th 2018
Publisher: KH Novels
Cover Artist: Keeley Holmes
Genre: Sexy Romantic Comedy

by Keeley Holmes
Date of Publication: May 29th 2018
Publisher: KH Novels
Cover Artist: Keeley Holmes
Genre: Sexy Romantic Comedy

The Book Junkie Reads . . . Review of . . . DATING RULES (Serendipity series, #2) . . . Dating Rules was just fun, funny, laughing often. This was most certainly a sexy rom-com with words that could make you just feel real good. It was a light-hearted romance that gave you much to smile about. I enjoyed it a great deal. It was a simple, yet captivating read that helped the afternoon pass by just smoothly.
The writing was fun, light, and done well. The characters were not overly complicated or hard to get to know. Both Izzy and Parker had something that just lulled you in to a sense of security in them being a friend you were watching fall in love. This one may have been my first read from Keeley Holmes, but I certainly hope that I get the chance to read more from her.
Serendipity series:
Hope at Christmas - Serendipity, #1
Dating Rules - Serendipity, #2
Losing control is not an option for Izzy Shaw, something past experience has taught her. When you’re not in control, bad things happen. So when Parker Cole comes bustling into her life with his carefree manner, no full time job and his terrible Hawaiian shirts, she knows she should stay away.
For Parker, seeing Izzy at Penelope’s wedding stirred something in him. Izzy intrigues him. She’s attracted to him but she holds back and she doesn’t realise he sees this as a challenge. Usually when he wants something, he goes for it.
For Izzy, being attracted to a man and allowing herself to act upon it is defined by her rules. She lives by her rules, they protect her...
Parker is a rule breaker.
Over the course of 10 dates Parker has to persuade Izzy that he’s worth the risk, he has to persuade her that sometimes life doesn’t have to be all about rules, sometimes you have to walk on the edge to really appreciate living...
He will prove this to her, one date at a time.
“I want to play a game.”
I blinked at him. “You realise you sound
like that puppet thing off those films…what are they called again?”
“Yeah, that’s the one. You planning on
killing me?”
“Only with orgasms, sweetheart,” Parker winked.
Why did I fall for it? “What game?”
“A word game.”
I sighed and drank the rest of my wine.
“That tells me nothing. What game?”
The DVD started. Men were singing as they
hammered at ice. I laughed so hard I had to hold my stomach. What the hell?
“Are we watching Frozen?”
“Yes,” he said, straight faced and very
serious as he sipped his own drink.
I wiped away a tear. I’d seen the half
smile on his lips. “How many times have
you played this game to this?”
“Often. I find it’s a good way to get
can’t get drunk,” I squeaked.
Or any more than I already was…
I shouldn’t drink around him. It was
dangerous. I had no control and I wanted him more when alcohol flowed through
me. I wanted to throw my rules out of the window, alcohol made me feel
carefree, it made me embrace danger.
“That’s part of the game,” he chuckled.
Oh shit. “I don’t-”
He cut me off, because he probably knew
that I was going to do everything I could to get out of it. “Rule time. Do you
want to begin at beginner level or advanced level?”
“You’ve actually created levels for this?”
I was already in too deep to back out…and I was kind of interested.
“We men take drinking games very
I shook my head whilst my teeth nipped at
my bottom lip. His thumb grazed against it. Those eyes of his stared right into
Sweet fuck.
“Let’s start at the beginner level,” he
answered for me, and let his thumb drop from my lip.
I’d wanted the kiss.
also knew that he was challenging me. “Why?”
He shrugged. “You’ve already had quite a
bit to drink so...”
Like I couldn’t handle my drink...okay, I
couldn’t, but still, he didn’t dictate what I could do or how much I could
Which wasn’t much
more if I was being honest.
“Give me the advanced level.”
“Fine,” he chuckled. “Don’t say I didn’t
warn you.”
I scowled and glared at my empty glass,
like it was the one to get me into this mess. Well, it would get me into a
mess, but probably a different kind. Why couldn’t I say no? What was wrong with
“So, rules, any mention of the word snowman
or Olaf’s name and you drink.”
I nodded.
“No sips. It has to be a mouthful. Sips are
for losers.”
rules yet, babe. Whenever Anna says, “Wait, What?” you have to drink.”
“Does she say that a lot?”
His smile was devilish. “Whenever ‘Let it
go’ is said or sung, you drink.”
Christ. I was going to be hammered. I didn’t
know all the words to the song, but I knew that the song was called ‘Let it Go’
so that meant it would have the words in it.
“That all of it?” I prayed that was it
because I wasn’t going to be able to stand up at the end.
“Not quite. Last but not least, whenever Elsa
freezes something, you drink.”
“It’s called fucking Frozen... she freezes things all the time!”
“I know,” he laughed, “you ready?”
Damn it. My stubborn side had won out and
now I was definitely getting myself into trouble. “Yes, but I need a different
drink.” A drink that would affect me less over a longer length of time. Wine would
certainly get me pissed within minutes.
Author Info
Keeley Holmes is the author of sexy romantic comedies and NA books. She loved writing so much that whilst her friends were off doing work experience in schools and child care placements, she was doing hers in a publishing house. That was when she wrote her first book at 15, it was set in America and it was about a murdering woman with a glass eye... Number one bestseller...
After working full time and gaining her English Literature and Language degree, she changed her mind about becoming a teacher, when would she write books if she had to mark them? Instead she wrote her second book in 2007. From that moment, she's written books as a side hobby and now she wants the world to read and love them! She's a sucker for a romance books, with a little bit (a lot!) of kink in them!
She lives in beautiful Yorkshire, when sometimes she leaves the house and appreciates that beauty, before crawling back into her cave to write.

The Book Junkie Reads . . . Interview with Keeley Holmes . . .
What are some of your writing/publishing goals for this year?
My main goal is to enjoy my writing! After that, to publish 9 books before Christmas…. I’m a NUTTER! Lol. But 5 of those books are already written, they just need formatting and then I want to get my Serendipity Series out there.
Do you feel that writing is an ingrained process or just something that flows naturally for you?
I think it flows naturally. Don’t get me wrong, when the block happens the flow isn’t flowing! But I think once the characters start talking then I have no control at all.
Do you have a character that you have been working on for a long time that still isn't quite ready, but fills you with excitement to work on the story?
The books I have coming out next year are a little different to what I usually write. My main character is feisty and loveable. I really enjoy delving into her world. She has similar personality traits to me so I enjoy that side of things. I can’t wait for people to read it next year!
If you could spend one-week with 5 fictional character, who would they be?
What a question! This is a tricky one because I love too many people, and I feel like they would clash lol!
So – first and foremost – Eve Dallas from the In Death series. I NEED to be best friends with this girl!
Whilst I’m there, I want Delia and Roarke from this series too. Delia because she’s so lovely, and Roarke because he’s my ULTIMATE book boyfriend. I ADORE him. He’s Irish. Tick. He’s loaded. Tick. He loves so deeply it’s consuming. Tick.
Next – Rhage from the Blackdagger brotherhood series. He’s my fave vampire – and I think Eve will hate him!
And last but not least - Hermoine Granger – because she’s brave and intelligent and can also throw a mean punch!
Where would you spend one full year, if you could go ANYWhere? What would you do with this time?
I’d spend a year travelling every state in America. I’ve always wanted to do it. Hire a camper van – a huge one and just go around the country!
Can you share you next creative project(s)? If yes, can you give a few details?
I’m currently writing the Serendipity Series, I’m writing book 5 at the moment, book 2, Dating Rules, is out 29th May.
I also have another secret project – but I’m not releasing that until next year 😊
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