Three Lessons in Seduction
by Sofie Darling
Narrator: Mary Sarah
Released: December 13th 2017
Publisher: Sofie Darling
Length: 9 hours
Genre: Historical Romance

Paris, September 1824
Lord Nicholas Asquith needs his wife. Too bad he broke her heart ten years ago.
Can he resist a second chance at the love he lost?
When Mariana catches the eye of the man at the center of an assassination plot, Nick puts aside their painful past and enlists her to obtain information by any means necessary, even if it means seducing the enemy agent.
Even if the thought makes his blood boil.
Only by keeping his distance from Mariana these last ten years was he able to pretend indifference to her. With every moment spent with her, he feels his tightly held control slipping . . .
Can she trust the spy who broke her heart?
Mariana spent the last decade forgetting Nick. Now she has the chance to best him at his own game, an opportunity she can’t resist, even as her view of him begins to shift. Increasingly, she wants nothing more than to seduce her own husband . . .
It’s only a matter of time before mad passion ignites, a passion never convincingly extinguished. A passion that insists on surrendering to the yearning of the flesh and, quite possibly, of the heart.
Lord Nicholas Asquith needs his wife. Too bad he broke her heart ten years ago.
Can he resist a second chance at the love he lost?
When Mariana catches the eye of the man at the center of an assassination plot, Nick puts aside their painful past and enlists her to obtain information by any means necessary, even if it means seducing the enemy agent.
Even if the thought makes his blood boil.
Only by keeping his distance from Mariana these last ten years was he able to pretend indifference to her. With every moment spent with her, he feels his tightly held control slipping . . .
Can she trust the spy who broke her heart?
Mariana spent the last decade forgetting Nick. Now she has the chance to best him at his own game, an opportunity she can’t resist, even as her view of him begins to shift. Increasingly, she wants nothing more than to seduce her own husband . . .
It’s only a matter of time before mad passion ignites, a passion never convincingly extinguished. A passion that insists on surrendering to the yearning of the flesh and, quite possibly, of the heart.

spent much of her twenties raising two boys and reading every book she could
get her hands on. Once she realized that she was no longer satisfied with
simply reading the books she loved, that she must write them, too, she decided
to finish her degree and embark on a writing career. Mr. Darling and the boys
gave her their wholehearted blessing. When she’s not writing heroes who
make her swoon, she runs a marathon in a different state every year, visits
crumbling medieval castles whenever she gets a chance, and enjoys a slightly
codependent relationship with her beagle, Bosco.
Author Links:

Q&A with Author Sofie Darling
How did you select your narrator?
o Three
Lessons in Seduction is my first published novel, and the task of finding a
narrator felt a bit overwhelming. So I just started listening to books in my genre.
It wasn’t long before I came across Mary Sarah narrating a Tamara Leigh novel,
and I fell in love with her performance. Mary Sarah has a way of expressing
emotion that is, in my opinion, unparalleled. She blows me away with her skill.
How closely did you work with your
narrator before and during the recording process? Did you give them any
pronunciation tips or special insight into the characters?
o We worked
fairly closely together. Since this was my first experience with creating an
audiobook, Mary Sarah was great at walking me through the process. I provided
her with character breakdowns that included details like nationality, class,
rank, and a few adjectives that pinpointed each character’s defining
characteristics. She’s such a pro that she didn’t need much more guidance from
Were there any real life
inspirations behind your writing?
o For Three
Lessons, the city of Paris, both its past and its present, provided inspiration
far beyond being a mere setting for the story. I had so much fun recreating
locations that I’d visited in the 21st century into their 19th century
counterparts. Paris itself became a fleshed-out character.
How do you manage to avoid
burn-out? What do you do to maintain your enthusiasm for writing?
o Travel is
my number one way of avoiding burn-out. I must always, always have a trip
booked and on the horizon. Even if the trip is nine months in the future, I
know it’s there. This helps my mind sink in to whatever project I’m working on,
and the ticking clock provides the impetus to complete whatever goal I’ve set.
Then, when I’m on the trip, that’s when my batteries recharge, and I come home
ready to write some more and book my next trip.
Is there a particular part of this
story that you feel is more resonating in the audiobook performance than in the
book format?
o As Three
Lessons is a romance, the emotion of the story ramps up as my hero and heroine
find their way toward love. Any time Nick and Mariana are in a room together,
Mary Sarah’s masterful performance makes me feel every emotional response
alongside them.
Are you an audiobook listener? What
about the audiobook format appeals to you?
o I became
a voracious audiobook listener a few years ago when I was training for a
marathon. Bored with the same old podcasts I’d been listening to on those long
runs, I decided to branch out into audiobooks. I never looked back. During
marathon training season, I can listen to one or two books a week. I love it.
What do you say to those who view
listening to audiobooks as “cheating” or as inferior to “real reading”?
o I’d
invite them to look back to the Greeks, where storytelling began as an oral
tradition with Homer. It was only much later that the Odyssey and the Iliad
were put to paper. For me, it matters less how I receive an excellent story
than that I do. I love the written word, but when spoken aloud, it can take on
a whole other life.
Have any of your characters ever
appeared in your dreams?
o I’m not
sure that any of my characters have appeared in my dreams, but I do this thing
when my alarm goes off in the morning. I hit snooze and close my eyes. Then I
go into this twilight state, half-asleep / half-awake, and allow my characters
to wander around my head for ten minutes, until the alarm goes off again.
Sometimes, they tell me what they want to do on the page today. Other times,
they tell me they didn’t like what they did yesterday, and I need to have another
think about it. Either way, it provides me with a solid starting point for the
day’s writing.
What gets you out of a writing
slump? What about a reading slump?
o When I’m
in a writing slump, I’ll start reading in a different genre from what I’m
writing. The same goes for reading. If all romances are starting to read the
same to me, I’ll pick up a cozy mystery or a non-fiction title, something that
resets my brain and gives me some fresh ideas.
What’s next for you?
o Mary
Sarah and I have begun recording Tempted by the Viscount, the follow-up to
Three Lessons in Seduction, which releases in June.
Arts Nominee (2016), Mary Sarah is known for her subtle, yet powerfully,
evocative performances. With a penchant for dialects and love of culture, Sarah
has spanned the globe and time, working with rich characters set across genres
of the classics, history, romance, poetry and children’s literature. Relz
Reviewz states in reference to her rendering of Tamara Leigh’s ‘The Unveiling,’
that,“ her mellifluous tones, excellent voicing of emotions in dialogue and
varied and accurate accents of both male and female make her a pure joy to
listen to,” while her narration of “A Lady in the Smoke,” was cited as,
“masterly.” Classically trained at The Riverside Shakespeare Academy and The
Royal Shakespeare Company, Sarah loves to get to the heart of a word in order
to release its’ power and finds great comfort in the beauty of stories to
transform and speak to us.
Narrator Links:

Mar. 20th: T's Stuff The
Book Junkie Reads . . .
Mar. 21st: The
Maiden's Court
Mar. 22nd: What Is
That Book About
Mar. 23rd: Jazzy
Book Reviews The Bookworm Lodge
Mar. 24th: Lynn's
Romance Enthusiasm
Mar. 25th: Lilly's
Book World
Mar. 26th: The
Book Addict's Reviews

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