
Wednesday, July 10, 2024


Quest for Copia
John William Drake, #2
by E.P. Bellows
Date of Publication: November 1st 2024
Publisher: Azra’s Pith Books
Genre: Children’s Fantasy
ISBN: 979-8865821205
Number of pages: 197
Word Count: 38,000

Tagline: Join John William Drake and his friends on their Quest for the Lost City of Copia… but beware, something evil lurks in the shadows.

John William Drake believed there was something special about the medallion Celeste found. It chimed and sparkled in the sunlight. He was right; the medallion was from Copia, a lost city masked in time. Legendary tales were repeated of a golden city inhabited by Empyrean Wizards until it was plagued by dark sorcery when a meager fledgling magician by the name of Imperious the Great wandered in.

Some did not believe the city ever existed; others who knew better wanted it to stay lost. How did it all start? How would it end? The answer simmered for hundreds of years waiting for the right moment to escape.

John and Celeste were more than ready for another adventure. The journey to Copia was also a search for his missing father. They were unaware of just how dangerous their quest was until it was too late. The medallion’s power could bring the lost city to life again, unlocking the dark past dormant within its walls. The young explorers were in the middle of a battle of ancient sorcery that could end with an evil capable of destroying the realm and they held the key.

Excerpt Unearthed:

~The Copian Mediallion is discovered after being buried for years by layers of the realm.
Come on, wings! Don't fail me!" Gusts of wind blew the little bird in all directions. Her vivid red feathers stole the sun’s beams from the sky.
This was not an ordinary bird. This was a young Empyrean wizard named Celeste. Empyrean wizards lived in an extraordinary place where fantastic creatures and magic were a part of every day. All Empyrean Wizards have a bird form appropriately coordinated with their personality. This particular Empyrean was fearless and kind. She also had a knack for finding

"Made it!" Her small but determined wings descended into the trees below. There was a peculiar tree she heard whispers about, and she was on her way to see it for herself. The tree was believed to be a passageway to the other side. Of course, she had no idea what the other side was, which only drove her curiosity. She perched on a boulder next to a single dead tree that boasted the broadest tree trunk in all of Copious Forest. The tree was surrounded by a blanket of thriving greenery. Celeste cautiously glanced around and gave her feathers a ruffle. A young girl emerged through the feathers with wild hair the same shade of vibrant red.
“Incredible!” she gasped and scuttled over to the tree. She poked her fingers out of the sleeve of her cloak and ran them along the rigid bark on the trunk. The bark chimed a soft melody as her fingers went along.
“So it is real.” Her eyes beamed. She stepped back and pulled a scroll out of her cloak. As she unraveled the scroll, the verses of an ancient spell were revealed. “The Tunnel of Light Enchantment ...
Cuniculum lucis incantationis tempus sit, electi ingrediantur. Cum tempus est, electi per cuniculum lucis relinquere possunt.
 When it is time, the chosen may enter. When it is time, the chosen may leave through the tunnel of light." She gazed at the dead tree, waiting for even a small flicker of magic. The trunk looked like it had not been seen or touched in years. “Hmm ..." Celeste raised her brow.
A prickly chill traveled down her spine. She squeezed her arms across her chest to soothe her goosebumps.  "Hello? Is-is someone there?" Celeste frantically glanced around.
An angry groan rumbled through trees.
“I'm not afraid of you!" she declared. “Come out and show yourself!”
Twigs and bits of forest flew past her curls. She scrambled behind the boulder. Sharp whispers buzzed through the gaps in the trees.
“The moan went from a groan to a vicious roar. A wind funnel shaped like a pair of long, wretched claws appeared.
“Oh, no—it’s the Rive.” Her body tensed.
The dark spell was strong enough to twirl her straight into the air with one dizzying burst. It plowed through trees and shot rocks in all directions. Celeste's cloak whipped around in a frenzy. She crouched behind the boulder and gripped her hands around the base. Then her body lifted off the ground. Inch by inch, her fingers slipped from the boulder. "Oh no!" Her head throbbed from intense pressure as the wind consumed her.
"Where is it? I must find it," the Rive whispered sharply, bringing a sting to Celeste's ears.
"Where is what? What are you talking about?" she shrieked.
"Where is it? I must find it!" the Rive's whisper was now at a rattling shrill.
Celeste closed her eyes and fisted her trembling hands. She felt herself drifting into a dizzying slumber. “I have to channel the élan. Come on, Celeste ... concentrate. I can do this!"
She took a deep breath. "Azra lucem tuam ostende. Azra tua industria illuminet …
Azra lucem tuam ostende. Azra tua industria illuminet."
A warm, vibrant energy burst through her cloak. The dark spell released its grip. It hissed and hurled rocks at Celeste. She stood her ground and

Celeste collapsed to the ground, breathless. “I just did that.” She examined the palm of her hand in astonishment.

She scooped up the shimmering clump and scraped the forest coating off it until all that remained was a medallion with strange markings and feathered wings carved in the center. It chimed and sparkled in her hands. Celeste stuffed it in her cloak and cautiously looked around. An excited giggle slipped out just before she morphed back into a little red bird and flew above the trees.

Author Info
A little about me…

Let's see... When I was eight, I had a pet turkey. I used to take it with me on my short-lived paper route. Needless to say, I was terrible at delivering the paper. No one wanted a "Dollar Saver" with turkey poop splattered across the best coupons on the front page.

Books... "Treasure Island" is a fantastic pirate tale. I love just about anything by Roald Dahl. Who could ever leave out Tolkien? I would also like to thank C.S. Lewis for sending me on an unrelenting childhood quest for portals to amazing worlds.

I write fantasy stories for children. Yep - proud fantasy geek here. It's pretty darn awesome to escape to another realm with sorcerers and wizards for a chunk of the day. The underlying theme in my stories is empowerment and living purposefully. We all have that spark inside just waiting to shine ;)

When football is on I turn into a cookie-eating pottymouth. I have a theory that avocados are the Jedi of all foods. I also believe the aroma of garlic and butter sizzling in a pan is pure magic.

Last random nugget… few things make me smile more than chocolate, cheese, and a nice splash of vino... AND, if the Chargers would make it to the Super Bowl again - just once 

The Book Junkie Reads . . . Interview with . . . E.P. Bellows . . . 

Do you feel that writing is an ingrained process or just something that flows naturally for you?

The flow of writing is bittersweet and changes day by day. On the great days, I get those butterflies buzzing inside me, the story flows and I can't tear myself away. Before I know it the hours have burned away and it’s time to hit the hay.

When that magic dust wears off I sit in front of my computer and stare at a blank page struggling to get the words onto the screen. I try to stick to a few guidelines for my own sanity

  • Be kind to myself and the characters

  • Take it one day at a time - don't get lofty

  • write at least a little every day - even if it is a dumpster fire on wheels rolling uphill on some days. 

  • Stay off the emotional roller coaster - the good days and bad days are part of the flow. 

Do you have a character that you have been working on for a long time that still isn't quite ready, but fills you with excitement to work on the story?

Roman is my bruting Empyrean Wizard - so conflicted. Warm and fuzzy are not in his wheelhouse. In Bandits of Basswood he is sinister and scheming. Getting John William out of the realm and having Celeste all to himself was a personal mission. In Quest for Copia, John and the rest of the crew help him heel from scars of the past. A softer side of Roman is revealed… whether he will remain that way is another story…. 

Have you found yourself bonding with any particular character(s)? If so, which one(s)?

Mundi really is one of my favorites. He is the unassuming hero; as authentic and kind as they come. As a newcomer to the quest, he becomes the unofficial peacemaker of the group with his no-nonsense common sense and optimism. His origins from a tracker tribe in the river valley will come into play more as the story continues to unfold.

Can you share your next creative project(s)? If yes, can you give a few details?

The next series is in the works! The New Guardians series takes the crew into the next era in the realm… The Age of Imperious. Centuries of dark sorcery seep to the surface at the will of the worst of all villains. Loved ones who have been missing will re-emerge. Some bonds will grow stronger while others will be broken. 

What are some of your writing/publishing goals for this year?

 This year flying by! It’s almost over! How does the saying go? The days are long… the weeks are short? Never felt so accurate (especially as I turn into an old lady). I would like to have part one of the next series completed and released - The Academy of Obscure Alchemy. I’m having a blast with it so far! 

Thank you Morgan Sterling for giving a little insight to you and your process. Your work is appreciated.

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