Sunday, July 28, 2024

SPOTLIGHT w/EXCERPT - THRILLER - THE PACKAGE (The Infiltrix, #1) by Kimberley Troutte

 In the deadly future after the second civil war, the United States is divided and dangerous…  

The Package

The Infiltrix, #1

by Kimberley Troutte

Genre: Thriller  

In the deadly future after the second civil war, the United States is divided and dangerous…

Agent Heather Slade is a beautiful well-crafted fake. A perfect lie. A highly-trained asset with no country, no memory, and no home. She spies for a secretive group of Revo agents from the democratic Free States and fights against the crushing power of the charismatic authoritarian leader who controls the militant Patriot regions. Risking her life, she infiltrates top levels of the brutal government and lives deeply under cover with her enemies.

Heather’s current mission is to smuggle a package from under the President’s nose onto a highly guarded golden train and bring it to safety in the Free States. Her partner on the perilous journey is a handsome but inexperienced foreign agent with secrets of his own. Why is Miguel Robles so hauntingly familiar? He might hold the key to finding the family she no longer remembers—if they survive the mission.

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Agents Heather Slade and Miguel Robles are working together for the first time on an extremely dangerous mission aboard the evil President's golden train. They don't know each other. They don't trust each other yet. But they have to quickly get into sync because the mission is on the line and lives are at stake. 

Here is a snippet of their first meeting:

Stretching her arm out, she swiped the device through the air. “All clear.”
“Bug catcher?” he asked.
She nodded. “Go in.”
He stepped in and was shocked at how large the cabin was. It was nicer than any hotel
suite he’d ever been in. Shiny wood, crystal, expensive leather, a queen-sized bed . . . the
attributes went on and on.
“Wow,” he mumbled.
“Yes, it’s impressive.” She took the appetizers out of his hand and put them and hers on a
table. “I need you to focus here, Mike. We have a problem.”
He faced her. “Tell me.”
She scrubbed her face with her hands. “Somehow, we need to sneak into the storage
compartment in the conductor’s car without being seen.”
“I left something in there last night.”
“Last night?” He crossed his arms. “Santa Fe was burning.”
“I know,” she said softly.
White-hot anger sliced through him. He narrowed his eyes at her. “A free press office
was burned to the ground!”
Did she have something to do with that?
Headquarters needed that office and the few remaining ones scattered around the Union.
Blockwell had systematically destroyed the press and silenced truth-tellers. The few
courageous journalists who hadn’t fled for the Free States were living with the enemy and
reporting Blockwell’s human rights crimes to the world.
She spun on her heel, heading toward the cabin door. “Let’s go.”
He cursed in Spanish, his body pumping with anger and confusion. Which side was she
on? Was killing brave journalists and shutting the truth up forever part of her plan? Was
she more like her father than HQ knew? His instincts were on high alert. Was he being
set up?
Putting his hand to the door, he blocked her exit. “Did you hear what I said?”
She didn’t answer his question, instead lifting her chin defiantly. “You’re not like the
other Revo assets, are you? Most take orders and do what they’re told without question.”
“Were you involved with the destruction of the free press office?” he growled.
“I didn’t burn the office.”
“What did you do last night?”
Letting out an impatient breath, she snapped. “We don’t have time for this discussion.”
He pressed his back against the door. “I’m stuck with you for thirty hours. Should be
enough time for you to fill me in on what happened in Santa Fe.”
She slapped her hand against the wall. “We might not survive the next ten minutes.”
That shook the anger out of him. “What?”
“We have to get to the storage compartment before everyone boards the train. We don’t
want to get caught down there without a cover story.”
Her flawless white cheeks were suddenly very pale.
“What’s in storage?” he asked.
She leaned closer and whispered in his ear. “The Patriot officer I knocked out and tied up
last night.”
“You knocked out an officer?” He pulled back to see if she was kidding. The look on her
face was the most serious thing he’d seen all week.
“Yes. And he’s probably not going to be thrilled about it when he wakes up. If he starts
yelling, you and I could be in some serious trouble.” She dug in her purse and pulled out
a small box. Opening it, she showed him a medical set with a needle and a vial.
“What’s that?” he asked.
“Enough sleepy juice to knock him out for the rest of the trip.” She bit her lip. “I hope.”
She wanted to inject a bound-up officer with sleepy juice? On a Patriot train? She had to
be out of her mind.
“It’s imperative that we don’t get caught. Do you understand?” she said.
She was the billionaire donor’s daughter and he was a Mexican. He knew all too well
which one of them would take the heat if the mission went south. “Yeah, I do.”
They looked at each other for a beat, a silent pact passing between them. They were
doing this. Then she broke eye contact and dug into that purse again and pulled out
another box identical to the first. “Here. You should have one of these with you too. In
case we get separated.”
He put it in his pocket.
She lifted her chin and looked him in the eye. She was scared, but damned determined.
“Are you ready?”
He opened the door. “Lead the way.”

 Kimberley Troutte is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. She has been a Top 100 Amazon author and a Top 10 Romantic Suspense bestselling author for Amazon. Kimberley was a finalist in both the Vivian® and  the RITA®–the highest awards for excellence in romance. She lives in Southern California with her husband, two sons, a wild cat, a large iguana, an old snake, and all the other creatures that hubby and boys rescue.

To learn more about her novels, please visit her at and sign up for the newsletter.

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