Dark Experiments
Forever and a Night
Series, #2
by Lana Campbell
Date of
Publication: May 21st 2017
Zombie Cupcake Press
Artist: Rebecca Weeks
Paranormal romance
Tagline: She wanted nothing to do
with him, but only he can save her from an angel of death.
Christian is the exception to
Tiffany’s rule that all males are louses. For years Tiffany has lusted after
Christian and of late she can’t help but wonder what it might be like to have a
brief fling with him. The opportunity to explore her secret fantasy appears
when Christian offers her a job as the IT person for his practice, the V
clinic. She knows if he gives her the green light, she’s going to have a romp
with her sexy vampire. When the night finally arrives and she and Christian
have sex, the experience is so overwhelmingly powerful, Tiffany backpedals and
tries to turn down the heat between them. She’s human. He’s a vampire. She
can’t afford to fall in love with him.
Christian has other ideas. During
their sexual encounter, he discovers Tiffany is his life mate and he vows to
change her thinking. His intentions are put on hold when he gets caught up in
an angel of death’s vicious plan to chemically terminate V clinic patients’
pregnancies. Tiffany herself falls victim to a lethal dose of arsenic and
Christian can only save her by turning her into a vampire. She’s furious when
she wakes from her turning and discovers what Christian has done. She wants
nothing to do with him ever again, but when she’s kidnapped by this angel of
death and used as a guinea pig for deadly experiments she only has Christian to
turn to save her life.
Book Trailer https://youtu.be/YYTRKIhO1Pg
Nathan’s men rushed inside, Christian at their heels. He flipped up his sunglasses and looked about the inky darkness of a huge garage, plenty luminous for vampire eyes. Another standard door led to the belly of the building in the far right corner. He headed toward it, behind Nathan’s six men. Asa, Dominic and Nathan took up the rear, single file behind him.
At this point most everyone inside had surely heard the door come down. Christian needed to alert Tiffany and make her ready for whatever transpired once they emerged into the building’s interior.
We’re here. Get ready. Say nothing and stay calm. I’ll be there before you know it.
You’re here? Thank God, Christian.
Are you alone?
Yeah, I’m still alone and tied down to this damned bed. My heart is about to beat out of my chest. That’s my only tell, but no one except a vampire could here it.
I’ll hear it soon enough and it will be music to my ears.
Be careful.
You too.
Two of Nathan’s men took the battering ram to the interior door. Once it was relieved of it’s hinges, Christian rushed inside behind four of Nathan’s men. He expected to be met by the very least the brother armed to defend his turf, but instead two young thin vampire girls with hideously gray skin and gaunt features stood in a long hall just out a doorway to his right. The scent of chili wafted from the room, and Christian assumed it to be a kitchen.
The two girls appeared terrified, frozen in place, eyes wide and flitting from one armed man to another.
“Hands in the air!” one of the humans ordered.
They instantly obeyed.
Christian raised the barrel of his gun toward the ceiling. These poor little things were no threat. “Are you here by choice?” he asked them.
Both shook their heads, still wearing petrified expressions.
“Take us to the four women they brought here three days ago,” he demanded.
Just then a man walked out the doorway, hands in the air. Christian saw a holstered gun on his hip. The others must have too. Every man took aim on him with their weapons.
“Get down! Face down on the floor. Hands behind your head!” two of the human men yelled.
He did their bidding without a word. Seconds later he was swarmed by three humans, stripped of his gun and handcuffed.
Christian glanced at Asa who stared at the two frightened vampire girls with pity. He felt the same emotion himself, but he needed them to lead him to Tiffany and the others.
“Where are the women?” he asked again with less rancor.
The one closest to them finally answered. “D-down this hallway, take a left and you’ll find them in the curtained cubicles.”
Christian wanted to bolt in the direction they’d indicated, but he held back, glanced at Asa then behind him at Nathan, Dominic and Dimitri. They all wore an expression similar to what was on his mind. This was just too damned easy.
“Are you Terry, Charla’s brother?” Christian asked, stepping up to the head of the prone man who craned his head to glare up at him with equal doses of hate and spite.
“How do you know my name?”
“Never mind that. Get up and lead us to the women.” Christian yanked him up and onto his feet so fast, he’d probably dislocated his shoulder. A harsh grunt of pain said he was correct, but he didn’t care. This man was part of this kidnapping and drugging ring. He deserved a bullet between the eyes, but right now he’d serve just fine as a hostage.
The young sickly girls did not deserve such treatment. “Dominic, Dimitri, could you escort these young ladies out of the building? That is if you want to leave. We’ll make sure you get home, back to your lives, families, whatever.”
Both shook their heads adamantly and the two men corralled them around the small posse in the entryway then out of the building.
Christian shoved the barrel of his gun against the man’s spine. “Lead us to them now.”
Terry, craned his head back and gave him a look of disgust. “I’ll lead you right to them, vampire, but it won’t do you any good. By now they’re all on their way out. I’m sorry about that. I really am. I liked that one with the mouth.”
“Yeah. That’d be the one.”
“You’d better qualify that comment and quick if you want to live. Where are they being taken?”
“I couldn’t answer that, but maybe you can. Where do vampires go when they die?”
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Author Info
Lana Campbell is the author of the Forever and a Night vampire romance series. The first book in her series is Forever and a Night. Her second book Dark Experiments just came out 5/21/17. Zombie Cupcake Press has just recently bought her third book Deadly Secrets, which should be out late summer. Lana loves writing paranormal romance and is an avid reader of it too. She lives in Avoca AR with her husband, oldest daughter and a cat named Felix. In her spare time she enjoys gardening and watching old movies.

How would you describe you style of writing to someone that has never read your work?
In the context of vampire romance, I’d have to say my works are lighter reads. Sure there’s always a villain to make for an intriguing external conflict, but like most romances there is always a happily ever after. My vampires are not dark, evil creatures with the exception of the villains. Rather they are mortal beings, mammals, a sub-species of humans and very human-like except they are stronger, possess psychic and telekinetic abilities. They also have spiritual values and I weave spirituality into my writing, into the character of my characters both human and vampire.
What mindset or routine do you feel the need to set when preparing to write (in general whether you are working on a project or just free writing)?
I need a quiet, clean environment in which to work. Writing takes organization and planning. I become distracted if there is a TV on or my house is dirty. I usually write on weekends. I get up early make a big pot of coffee and I’m set for the day to write away!
Do you take your character prep to heart? Do you nurture the growth of each character all the way through to the page? Do you people watch to help with development? Or do you build upon your character during story creation?
I most certainly prep for a long time when it comes to my characters. I fantasize about them in my mind until they are real people with real life characteristics and problems. By the time I put them on paper I know who they are, but they take on more life as I write about them.
Have you found yourself bonding with any particular character? If so which one(s)?
I bond with all my main characters. I tend to fall in love with my male characters and I often write in facets of my own personality in my female characters. Tiffany in Dark Experiments is my favorite heroine because she’s gutsy, mouthy and hard as nails. I’m not really like that, but I can be. She makes me want to be more like her.
Do you have a character that you have been working on that you can't wait to put to paper?
Yes and I already have. In book five in my series I created a female protagonist who is a vampire drug thief. Due to her heightened sense of smell she can sniff out a drug deal before it goes down, enchant the drug dealers and steal their cache before they know what’s happening to them. She too is very bold and gutsy, but she hides a dark secret—physical and emotional abuse by her father.
Have you ever felt that there was something inside of you that you couldn't control? If so what? If no what spurs you to reach for the unexperienced?
I guess I would have to say my impulsive side. I’m bi-polar which is a hard disease to live with but it also is a disease that many find gives them creative abilities. I try to channel my emotions into writing which helps me write passionately and creatively.
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