Addicted to Love
Serendipity, #1
by Jennifer Wilck
Publication date: July 21st 2017
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Publication date: July 21st 2017
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Dan Rothberg struggled after an
accident killed his wife and he nearly lost custody of his daughter. He can no
longer allow himself to get attached to anything or anyone. Until he meets
Hannah Cohen is a young executive
with a meddlesome grandmother and a troubled brother. She’d like nothing better
than to find her own Mr. Right, after too many Mr. Wrongs. A sexy older man
with a teenage daughter was never in her plans.
As they navigate their
relationship through adolescent attitudes and grandmotherly interference, they
realize age is just a number and love can be right in front of them. But when
the terrible truth of Dan’s former struggles is exposed, Hannah must decide if
she can get past his deception and allow love to conquer all.
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what’s Hannah like?” Tess sank into the chair next to him. Dan refrained from
telling her to go to bed. For once she wanted to talk—he’d spend all night with
her if necessary.
nice. Funny and smart, too.”
winced. “Sounds great.” Her tone implied anything but.
nudged her. “Trust me, she is. I didn’t think you’d want to hear other kinds of
no. Where’d you guys go?”
took her to the planetarium, and afterward, to Isabella’s.”
sat up straight. “You took her there? I thought you were joking!”
She liked it.” “Really? Or was she just pretending?” He paused and considered
Hannah’s reaction. It hadn’t seemed fake. He’d been careful not to overload her
with too much geek data, which might fascinate him but bore others. No, he was
sure she’d liked it.
eyes didn’t glaze over, and she pulled me along to show me things she thought
were interesting. So I’d have to say really.”
Are you going to see her again?”
was worse than he expected, as he tried to keep from squirming in his seat
under Tess’ direct gaze. “I hope so.”
do I get to meet her?” “You’ve met her, Tess. At the JCC concert.”
know, Dad, but when do I get to really meet her? If you like her enough to go
out with her so often, I should at least get to know her better. Invite her
over for dinner.”
glanced at his watch. “Shouldn’t you be…in bed or something?” He regretted his
eagerness to talk to her. Well, that was his feeling lots of times as the
father of a teenager, but this time she was talking about Hannah. And for some
reason, she made him feel like his mother was interrogating him, rather than
his daughter. He needed to regain the upper hand. Somehow. “Dinner’s a good
idea, Tess. Just not right now.”
not? You’re a good cook. Everyone has to eat. You can invite her here, impress
her with your culinary skills, and she and I can get to know each other better.
What’s the problem?”
idea had so many problems her compliment didn’t hit him until after.
he said.
telling me I’m a good cook.”
welcome. But changing the subject won’t work.”
He ran a hand through his hair and remembered he needed a haircut. Turning in
his seat, he grabbed his phone and added it to tomorrow’s to-do list. “Tess, I
think it’s too soon in our relationship for this to happen.”
soon? What’s too soon about it? You’ve been dating a couple of weeks, right?”
days.” Was it only ten days? “You have a daughter.”
it’ll look weird if you keep me hidden away, like Mr. Rochester’s wife.”
a literary reference,” he said. “Nice touch.”
grinned. “I thought you’d appreciate it. As my reward, I think you should
listen to me. I could always come with you somewhere if you don’t want her at
the apartment.”
out a sigh, he faced her. “Like a chaperone? Oh, sounds fun. Come here.”
stood and he pulled her into a hug. “I’ll think about it. I’m glad you’re okay
with the idea of me dating.”
shrugged. “I don’t know. I mean, Hannah seems nice, but do you have time to
date? You always tell me how busy you are.”
pulled her into another hug. “No matter what I do, I’ll always have time for
you. I promise.”
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Author Info
When I was a little girl and
couldn’t fall asleep, my mother would tell me to make up a story. Pretty soon,
my head was filled with these stories and the characters that populated them.
Each character had a specific personality, a list of likes and dislikes, and
sometimes, even a specific accent or dialect. Even as an adult, I think about
the characters and stories at night before I fall asleep, or in the car on my
way to or from one of my daughters’ numerous activities (hey, anything that
will drown out their music is a good thing).
One day, I started writing them
down (it was either that or checking into the local mental hospital—the
computer was way less scary) and now I'm a published author. My first book, A
Heart of Little Faith, was just declared a Finalist in the Fiction: Romance
category of the 2016 Best Book Awards.
In the real world, I’m the mother
of two amazing daughters and wife of one of the smartest men I know. I enjoy
spending time with my family and friends, reading, traveling and watching TV.
In between chauffeuring my daughters to after-school activities that require an
Excel spreadsheet to be kept straight, I run youth group activities, train the
dog we recently adopted from a local shelter, and cook dinners that fit the
needs of four very different appetites. I also write freelance articles for
magazines, newspapers, and edit newsletters.
When all of that gets
overwhelming, I retreat to my computer, where I write stories that let me
escape from reality. In my made-up world, the heroines are always smart, sassy
and independent. The heroes are handsome and strong with just a touch of
vulnerability. If I don’t like a character, I can delete him or her; if
something doesn’t work, I can rewrite it. It’s very satisfying to be in control
of at least one part of my life. My inspiration comes from watching the people
around me and fantasizing about how I’d do things differently.
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